How to Know if Your Pet has been Poisoned

Pet owners often go to considerable lengths to pet-proof their homes. From simple habits and steps like closing the toilet seat cover (kitten plus curiosity plus toilets is never a good recipe) to getting blinds designed to be pet-safe and pet-friendly, it is a labor of love and common sense. If you are looking for a veterinarian near you in or around the Duarte area, the pet-friendly and professional veterinary team at the Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital can help.

Signs of Pet Poisoning

While many pet owners are careful to put dangerous chemicals, toxins, and items like cleaning supplies out of reach, some even go as far as getting cabinet locks. The truth is, when it comes to our pets, we can never be too safe. In addition to pet-proofing your home, there are two more things every pet owner should know: how to recognize the signs and symptoms of poisoning and where to go and who to contact in the event of an emergency.

Here are the most common signs that your pet may have gotten into something it shouldn't have:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling
  • Nose bleeds
  • Lethargic behavior
  • Seizures

While none of these signs definitively mean your pet is experiencing poisoning, they are all signs that you should contact a vet about, and sooner rather than later. This leads to the other crucial point every pet owner should know: who to call when you need help with your pet.

Emergency vet care information should be readily available. Additionally, it is always a good idea to talk to your local vet about toxic foods for pets because not everything dangerous for our favorite feline or canine comes with a skull and crossbones image printed on it.

Contact Our Veterinarians in Duarte, CA

If you are looking for a veterinarian near you or have questions about pet poisoning, our professional and friendly staff can help with all your pet care needs. Contact us to find out more and get the professional and caring veterinary services your pet deserves at the Duarte Azusa Animal Hospital today.

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